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The trash
By: Liliana Flores Aristy
Litter is one of the main problems in several countries as well as waste every day to throw away garbage from a bottle to chat up todoun trash but the problem is where to go so much garbage, garbage is usually deposited in landfills or sanitary landfills, depending on location, the bad thing is that this creates and fosters disease pests and pollutes the soil and aquifers, in addition to garbage produces methane. How can we help? Following these recommendations:
• Separate garbage at least in inorganic and organic to get together because this kind of garbage are produced very polluting substances.
• Do not throw garbage on the streets.
• Buying products with little packaging
• Buy only what nesesitas and think before buying if indeed it nesesitas. Also try to buy things with biodegradable packaging and carry your own bags to super. Recycle, Reuse and Reduce and continues our campaigns.
(click on pictures to enlarge)
Poem of Salvador Lavado Tejon (Quino / creator of Mafalda) (Translated)
To draw the sky, no need to draw the sky,
We draw a bird flying . .. and...Paper is heaven!
To draw the sea is not necessary to draw the sea,
We draw a boat sailing and.. The paper is the sea!
To draw the north pole is not necessary to draw the north pole,
We draw a bear and white and... the paper is the north pole!
To draw our planet today is not necessary to draw our planet today,
Throw the paper into the trash and. .. paper is our poor planet today!
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